Friday, March 30, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A.Ducan and Al Perry after 10 days of fighting on Iwo Jima
The 1st Marine Divison storming the beaches of  Peleliu on Sept. 20th, 1944 after that they led a campain to take done the hole iland captureing the airfeld,morter pits,and finally a mountain at the end of the iland they called The Point the last Japenes held spot on the iland of  Peleliu.
A picture of a ww1 Marine helment you know its a Marine helment becaues it has the emblen of the Marines a Globe with an Anhor going though it with an Egale on top of it.
Some of  the most fercerne fighting on Iwo Jima

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Above two Marines both taking out the enemy from concesleaed position (Top Browning Atomatic Rifle Bottom M1 Grand)
Marines battleing the battle hardened Japanese on Iwo Jima
Marines waiting in a trench waiting and ready for the on one of the Marshel ilands
I don't no how many Japanese were there but this soldier on Paulalu is roasting them
A soldier with his dog on Iwo Jima
To the bottom a rifle suck in showing that a soldier is either buried there or boby is near by.

Monday, March 26, 2012

During World War 2the Marines were suposed to take out all the jappaness held ilands in the pacific they called it iland hoping after that they might atack the jappanes home iland
During World War 2 the Marines fought  agants the japaness why you may ask the Marines fouhght agants the jappaness becaues they surprisingly atacked Peral Harbor which lanched America into World War 2
(right)Two Marines setting in a fox hole with a 30cal. machine gun